Follow Me.

The 8-Channel Installation.

Eight loudspeakers stand in a circle on a small, forested island. The voices move along the circle, encircling the visitors. They follow each other, describe, conjecture, project, reflect how they feel. Movement, dynamics, demarcation. The visitors lose themselves in the surging sea of voices, in the social game of following, leading, projecting, unfolding, making conscious.

The installation is part of the work cycle FOLLOW ME, which was supported by a radio play grant from the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. Also part of the work is the live performance of the same name. The realization of the radio composition is still planned.

concept / recording / montage

Carina Pesch

8-channel mix

Hans Peter Kuhn


Field Kitchen Academy 2020


Brad Nathanson, Aurora del Rio, Carina Pesch


18th-19th June ZiXP Festival 2022,
23rd-14th September Phonon Festival 2022

The Installation

The Recording Process