A Bulky Receiver.
“Anybody out there?!” asks the Art Space D21. And GERÄUSCHKULISSE responds with an oversized radio in the middle of the square on Lindenauer Markt. It plays the program of the exhibition’s radio and probably disturbs. And it should. Because radio and its history can be uncomfortable. Bertolt Brecht called for a communication apparatus that listeners could not only listen to, but through which they could also make their own voices heard. In the Third Reich, the “Volksempfänger” mutated into a propaganda instrument. Today, a local pop station usually blares at construction sites. And radio doesn’t just ask pleasant questions in catchy formats. Radio can be uncomfortable. It informs, brings people together and is quite easy to do it yourself. The interactive installation therefore invites passersby to interact with the radio device, they change the volume with their movement or get involved in an activity game. The radiophonic results of this game can be heard time-delayed on the exhibition frequency.
concept / design
Lena Löhr, Carina Pesch, Martina Weber
Andreas Giesinger, Vincent Weiss, Lena Löhr, Carina Pesch
Anybody Out There?! 100 Jahre Radio in Deutschland
MigraPhone, Constanze Flamme, Carina Pesch
Carina Pesch
Carina Pesch
D21 Kunstraum Leipzig, GERÄUSCHKULISSE Kollektiv
Angelika Waniek, Constanze Müller, Dieter Daniels, Frederike Moormann, Ralf Wendt